Why We Don't Walk Between the Colors
Author unknown
Between these flags that proudly fly,
Let no man dare to stand.
For here our fallen comrades lie,
A symbol yes, but mark it well.
Here let us ever humbly pause
In memory of the lads who fell
In fighting for our sacred cause.
On sea or land these buddies died —
Some lie beneath a foreign soil
In graves caressed by winds and tide
In spots unknown to all but God.
And so, this place is hallowed ground
And shall be forever blessed,
And though it were a grassy mound
Beneath which gallant heroes rest.
Be ever watchful, legionnaire,
Of those two flags which signify
That we should guard this spot with care
Where our departed comrades lie.
And if a man should dare to tread
This spot where lie our gallant brave,
He desecrates those noble dead
As though he walked upon their grave.